Photo of hurricane Fran - 1999

Florida Hurriguard

Economical Polycarbonate Storm Panels for the DIY'er

Photo of hurricane Fran - 1999
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A Discussion About PLYLOX Clips
I often get questions about using PLYLOX clips with our product and this page will explain our position on the matter. PLYLOX clips ( are carbon steel clips designed to hold plywood in place within encased openings (typically covered in brick or stucco). To the best of my knowledge, these clips have proven themselves to be effective in both laboratory testing and in actual field use when used with plywood. However, and also to the best of my knowledge, they have never been tested in a laboratory environment with 5/8" polycarbonate panels. We therefore, can neither encourage their use nor discourage their use with our polycarbonate panels. As the homeowner you have every right to decide for yourself whether or not these clips present the best method of panel installation and/or the method that involves the least amount of effort on your part. While everyone would obviously prefer the easiest attachment method possible, our position is, and will remain, that our products have been approved by various state and local agencies for use in high-velocity wind zones when installed in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. These recommendations center around the fact that the panels should be securely bolted to the framing members of the structure through the use of threaded anchors. As mentioned elsewhere on this site, it wouldn't matter if you used 1/2" steel plate for hurricane panels if you attached them with velcro, chewing gum, glue or string. All it takes is for one panel to pop off during a storm to render whatever protection you've invested in as completely useless.